Tuesday 13 December 2016

For reference: December 2016 – State of play Tushikamane Groups observed by Mission Morogoro visitors

December 2016 – State of play Tushikamane Groups observed by Mission Morogoro visitors

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Group name
Tunguli Village Office  (26 ladies from both hamlets)
Tunguli Centre
Chair:                    Khalima Mohammed
Secretary:   Bettina Chambers
27 under 5 yrs
Project 15 chickens 17 chicks
Shown chickens in small brick chicken house
5 mins from HC
Chair:          Scholar Charles
Secretary:    Tatu Kiswamu
42 under 5 yrs
5 mins
Tunguli Church (37 ladies from 2 hamlets)
Chair:          Stella Mganga
Secretary:    Subira Msanya
41 under 5 years
Thank you for problems solved.  Group pay a little but to them it is a lot.  Have Tsh700.  Have just started projects – keep pigs.
5 mins
Chair:                    Rehema Mwangalima
Secretary:    Martha Mhando
41 children under 5 years
Many immunized
80 in group.  50 women  30 men
20 mins to wells x 2.  Pump cylinder needs repair (Tsh 300,000  £100). 
Long wait for water at well:  can wait from 4am-2pm for water.
Appreciate ambulance.  Would like operating theatre, sewing machine training. Value work and education through Tushikamane.
Have 3 acres and keep pigs.
Dixon leading farming group present

Msamvu – 2 groups together (54 ladies)
Chair:          Josephine Chigunga
Secretary:    Penina Gilbert
94 under 5 yrs
Have 15 chickens.  Aiming for 100.
Tsh 100,000
Priorities: water, operating theatre, sewing machines

Chair:                    Mariam D Pesambili
Secretary:    Ester Milton                              Mwedipando
78 under 5 yrs
Children immunised
Well:  10 mins with bucket.  Open well, polluted.  Being made deeper and having a pump would be a big improvement.
Use ambulance and individuals pay for each trip.  Has been used by group to send patient to Berega. 
Small business:  20 chickens in strong enclosure of upright branches but problems – need vaccination and antibiotics.  Taken to see chickens in enclosure.
Asked for sewing classes in Msamvu.  Only 1 person attends HC sewing class.
Lady in one of groups needing glasses as vision difficulties.
Strong group
Msamvu   (40 ladies)  20 mins   Smaller group – looking across to well from Msamvu
Chair:                    Fatuma Mgaza Katiby
Secretary:    Mwajuma Mussa                         Mwlkiti
90 children under 5 yrs
Ambulance used to take body home.  Organised – can pay when necessary.
Kiundi Cha Mjuini
Chair:          Prisk Msulwa
Secretary:    Amina Omary
There is a lot of water.  Would be quicker to have a pump at wells.  There is only 1 pump and 2 wells with buckets.  8 groups share 3 pumps.
 Traditional birth attendants should be trained. 
Outlying hamlets
Friday team visit

Chair:          Mwajuma Haj
Secretary:    Mahija Scifu
Intro by Village Chairman. Roger Omari,  Secretary of CCM.  Lives in hamlet, can lead area, is a member of the group.
58 children under 5 years
Immunised – but when children get bigger can’t carry them to HC.
Walk is 7 miles to the HC
20 ladies  many men   Rapper – DJ Roger!!
Tushikamane:  many changes:  big education, small businesses, garden, veg, tomatoes, onions.
Disappointment over tomatoes: expected Tsh130,000 got Tsh30,000 (one bucket for Tsh2,000)   Made a loss
Chicks:  bought 35, raised them and still have 35.  Have stored Tsh 30,000 for food for chickens. If sell 10 chickens can get Tsh100,000 and use it to rent extra land. Want to find place to grow trees and sell wood.
Used Tsh 30,000 for medicine.
20 mins on road to Tanga district.  3x bus a day   Road very muddy in long rain.   (Maasai area)
Well: 1.5km walk in dry season and getting low.  Sometimes have to wait for water to come.  Going to ask Govt workers for help with access. 
Have phones but have to find a signal.  Can find a signal in emergency.
Have been shown the ambulance.
Would like outreach clinic.
1 house has solar.
(Gift of 2 chickens)
Sat/Sunday team visit
Chair:          Perice Muya
Secretary:    Mariam Mganga
(inside brick building – lady with dementia at window)
98 children under 5 yrs
Children not immunized
Would like outreach clinic
17 ladies
Well is 30 mins and has poor water. 
Mobile phone signal coming soon.
Have 25 chickens – shown in barn
Tunguli   Kwiboma
Chair:          Anna Anack
Secretary:    Anna Aloisi
39 children under 5 yrs
Immunised but HC is a very long way.  Would like outreach clinic.
Not able to communicate with Tunguli.
30 mins on very rough road.  Have improved road as told necessary for access for ambulance , etc. Not yet used it.
Thank you to Esther who comes here.  Women learning about children and themselves.
Project:  pigs
Would like a milling machine
Bucket well.  Poor water.  Polluted.
Whole village sat and listened.  Men standing apart at distance but listening.  Sat under tree with cloths on tables.
Gift of chicken

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