Tuesday, 13 December 2016

45 Peaks and troughs

A thick white hoar-frost on the grass, the stone walls, the twigs, the lichen. Low, golden winter sun picking out the last autumnal colours of the sturdy oaks in the valley far below. A distant twisting river, fed by sparkling springs. Sheep. Pubs with good ale, good pie, and good fires in inglenooks. Walking trails that are steeply uphill in both directions. Finding yourself thinking about coronary stenting and knee replacement. Blisters. More sheep. More pubs. The Peak District on a cold winter’s day. Beautiful.

We were there with Mollie and Tom, (our third daughter and her husband, for those who don’t know), (and for those who do), just to spend some time together, and to breathe in some fresh hill air.

Shatton Hall, where we stayed, originated an extraordinary seven centuries ago. (To give you a sense of scale, that was when, in China, the Ming Dynasty was just beginning to stockpile ginger; and in England, the peasants were revolting).

The old house lies beneath the newer build, but even those ‘new’ rough yellow stones were laid before anyone had heard of America, far less wanted to be President of it; and when trumps were rude noises. The two-mile track from the village of Shatton is rutted and sunken by centuries of use. Clean water comes from a spring, and, for many a long year, later it found its way, gratefully used, back to the same source. (A little further down, and a little less potable.)

England then; Tanzania now. It is salutary to think that even in our sophisticated and highly developed England, there was a time when most of our ancestors lived in tiny hamlets; were lucky to survive childbirth; were ravaged by diseases with no access to medical care; and struggled for bare subsistence. Food needed to be grown, and animals raised, or you would starve. A bad winter after a bad harvest, and the Grim Reaper and his pestilences would gather in the vulnerable.

Then as now, the most vulnerable were pregnant women. In England, the peak maternal mortality rate was pre-industrial revolution, where 1% of women died each time they had a baby. Given the lack of contraception, and the general-held misconception that having more children was a good insurance policy, this meant that after five or ten children, each woman had a 5 to 10% chance of dying of in childbirth.

So here’s a challenge: what would you do about it? If you time-travelled back three hundred years to rural England, and found this level of tragedy in pregnancy and childbirth, how would you set about tackling it?

(If you are a blog skimmer, and want to cut to the chase, then send planet-friendly e-Christmas cards instead of paper ones, donate the postage here:

https://mydonate.bt.com/events/tushikamane)   (and tell your friends to do the same!)

For those still with us, this is where we had got to: making change is not as easy as it seems. Not only are rural mothers slow to change what they have always done, and what they have always known, but so also are we – the human race. 

(An example close to home is the blight of the Sat-Nav, to which menace my addicted wife seems oblivious. Two weeks ago for instance, she wanted to use it to get from Yorkshire to Lancashire, and the Sat-Nav suggested using the motorway! Huh!!! How wrong can you be!!! She wanted to follow its tyrannical advice, instead of using my map-reading skills to look for unlikely moorland sheep tracks to avoid the traffic.

I think she learnt her lesson. If we had used the Sat-Nav, we would never have seen the blizzard on the Snake Pass; we would never have had the excitement of being turned back from impassable roads; never have had so much time to appreciate the road works of Rochdale; never realised how out-of-the-way Halifax is; and never listened to four hours of Alan Bennett talking wryly about all the fun things he gets up to. And she still insists on using it!)

My route over the moors –This really is a photo from that journey …

The history of tackling maternal mortality highlights this human weakness, of obstinacy in the face of reason: The main causes of mothers dying in childbirth three centuries ago were bleeding, infection and eclampsia, (a type of blood pressure problem in pregnancy). The breakthrough advances were ergometrine injection for bleeding after delivery; hand-washing with antiseptics before managing childbirth; and magnesium sulphate injection for eclampsia. These were discovered respectively in 1932; 1847; and 1924. They became routinely adopted an average of seventy years later. In the case of handwashing with carbolic, its instigator, (Semmelweiss), who had produced a sevenfold-reduction in maternal mortality in his unit, was so ridiculed by the establishment, that years later, a broken man, he died in a mental asylum.

Here is an upbeat take on things, however, with profound relevance for Tushikamane: Despite these stories of the mind-numbing obduracy that we humans display in accepting that we might be wrong in our assumptions, in the late nineteenth century, maternal mortality began to fall.

By the twentieth century it was tumbling. Between 1900 and 1990 maternal mortality dropped nearly one-hundred-fold. In the same period, a woman’s life expectancy in the USA rose from 48 to 80 years. The fall from peak levels had begun before 1900, and then, in 1940, before the introduction of antibiotics, when the majority of women still delivered at home, and the world was at war, the downward trend became even stronger. Is it a coincidence that the fall began with the start of female emancipation? And that the 1940s were the first time in England that women were really taken seriously, occupying the responsibilities of their fighting men, and often out-performing them? Is this just feminist rant?

No, it is not. It only takes a little thought to realise that the answer to making an impact on maternal mortality of course begins with the women themselves. In the days when women, filled with habits and traditions and myths and superstitions, were given in marriage to be baby machines and housewives; with no voice, no education, and sometimes no hope; no progress could occur. For advancement of society, women had to accept the need for hygiene in childbirth; to see the need to be well-nourished in pregnancy; to be willing to accept and pay for pay for skilled antenatal and intrapartum care; to live healthier life styles and so boost immunity to infections; to recognise the need to limit family size; and to thirst for the education which might enhance all these advances.

The profoundly dramatic changes in the health of women and their babies which has taken place in the last century and a half – in some countries at least – have been made possible by the awakening and empowerment of women.

In rural Tunguli and Msamvu, women have truly awoken. There is now an energy, and a passion to climb out of the wretchedness of their situation: as many mothers and under-5s die still die, as used to die in England at our pre-industrial peak.

This awakening is called ‘Tushikamane’ – ‘working together, we are empowered’. In the blog page below, you can find details of the eleven women’s groups and their aspirations, as observed by seasoned Tanzanian NGO workers, who recently visited and came away immensely impressed:

What is beginning to emerge should have been obvious: each hamlet has different needs, different resources, different characters, different priorities. Some have too much water; some need a pump to be fixed. Some need wire for the chicken run; some need troughs for the pigs. Some want machines for sewing; some want seed for the garden.



By awakening the latent energy within each, we suddenly find that they are beginning to fix their own problems, and are beginning to be passionate about self-determination.

There has also been an unlooked-for and profound development, however. Suddenly, when women’s groups have been formed, educated and given a voice, there has been an astonishing enhancement of engagement – with health, with each other, and with those government agencies responsible for development. Many children have been immunised. Many more women are engaging with health services in the pregnancy. New, young, vocal female champions and leaders are beginning to find their feet.

Even more encouragingly, this awakening of engagement seems to be mutually-enhancing: Those involved in health care, who have been deeply involved in the Tushikamane project, are now looking beyond the walls of the clinic, and have helped the groups together to formulate the first draft of a three-year plan:

Dr Alex Gongwe – Tunguli Health Centre doctor, and now leading light of Tushikamane, working under Wilbard Mrase, head of Berega School of Nursing, and Isaac Mgego, Director of Berega Hospital.

This extraordinary achievement, within less than a year from taking the first steps, shows how much energy can be unleashed in rural Africa, when the right steps are taken by the right people.

If you would like to support this wonderful wave of hope, and you have not yet sent your Christmas cards, then you can get out of all that addressing of envelopes and licking of stamps by sending the money to:
This year for Christmas, why not buy a Tanzanian village a chicken; or some seeds; or a trough?

Thank you.

Post script
After 30 months of blogging, we have reached an important way-mark in the story of how we progressed from trying to improve labour ward skills, to trying to engage with rural hamlets through women’s groups.

I wonder if I should publish these 45 blogs as a book: The Birth of Tushikamane'?
Thoughts welcome.

Then, the next book will tell us if we made a difference …

For reference: December 2016 – State of play Tushikamane Groups observed by Mission Morogoro visitors

December 2016 – State of play Tushikamane Groups observed by Mission Morogoro visitors

Please note that you can scroll across the table using the bar at the bottom of the screen

Group name
Tunguli Village Office  (26 ladies from both hamlets)
Tunguli Centre
Chair:                    Khalima Mohammed
Secretary:   Bettina Chambers
27 under 5 yrs
Project 15 chickens 17 chicks
Shown chickens in small brick chicken house
5 mins from HC
Chair:          Scholar Charles
Secretary:    Tatu Kiswamu
42 under 5 yrs
5 mins
Tunguli Church (37 ladies from 2 hamlets)
Chair:          Stella Mganga
Secretary:    Subira Msanya
41 under 5 years
Thank you for problems solved.  Group pay a little but to them it is a lot.  Have Tsh700.  Have just started projects – keep pigs.
5 mins
Chair:                    Rehema Mwangalima
Secretary:    Martha Mhando
41 children under 5 years
Many immunized
80 in group.  50 women  30 men
20 mins to wells x 2.  Pump cylinder needs repair (Tsh 300,000  £100). 
Long wait for water at well:  can wait from 4am-2pm for water.
Appreciate ambulance.  Would like operating theatre, sewing machine training. Value work and education through Tushikamane.
Have 3 acres and keep pigs.
Dixon leading farming group present

Msamvu – 2 groups together (54 ladies)
Chair:          Josephine Chigunga
Secretary:    Penina Gilbert
94 under 5 yrs
Have 15 chickens.  Aiming for 100.
Tsh 100,000
Priorities: water, operating theatre, sewing machines

Chair:                    Mariam D Pesambili
Secretary:    Ester Milton                              Mwedipando
78 under 5 yrs
Children immunised
Well:  10 mins with bucket.  Open well, polluted.  Being made deeper and having a pump would be a big improvement.
Use ambulance and individuals pay for each trip.  Has been used by group to send patient to Berega. 
Small business:  20 chickens in strong enclosure of upright branches but problems – need vaccination and antibiotics.  Taken to see chickens in enclosure.
Asked for sewing classes in Msamvu.  Only 1 person attends HC sewing class.
Lady in one of groups needing glasses as vision difficulties.
Strong group
Msamvu   (40 ladies)  20 mins   Smaller group – looking across to well from Msamvu
Chair:                    Fatuma Mgaza Katiby
Secretary:    Mwajuma Mussa                         Mwlkiti
90 children under 5 yrs
Ambulance used to take body home.  Organised – can pay when necessary.
Kiundi Cha Mjuini
Chair:          Prisk Msulwa
Secretary:    Amina Omary
There is a lot of water.  Would be quicker to have a pump at wells.  There is only 1 pump and 2 wells with buckets.  8 groups share 3 pumps.
 Traditional birth attendants should be trained. 
Outlying hamlets
Friday team visit

Chair:          Mwajuma Haj
Secretary:    Mahija Scifu
Intro by Village Chairman. Roger Omari,  Secretary of CCM.  Lives in hamlet, can lead area, is a member of the group.
58 children under 5 years
Immunised – but when children get bigger can’t carry them to HC.
Walk is 7 miles to the HC
20 ladies  many men   Rapper – DJ Roger!!
Tushikamane:  many changes:  big education, small businesses, garden, veg, tomatoes, onions.
Disappointment over tomatoes: expected Tsh130,000 got Tsh30,000 (one bucket for Tsh2,000)   Made a loss
Chicks:  bought 35, raised them and still have 35.  Have stored Tsh 30,000 for food for chickens. If sell 10 chickens can get Tsh100,000 and use it to rent extra land. Want to find place to grow trees and sell wood.
Used Tsh 30,000 for medicine.
20 mins on road to Tanga district.  3x bus a day   Road very muddy in long rain.   (Maasai area)
Well: 1.5km walk in dry season and getting low.  Sometimes have to wait for water to come.  Going to ask Govt workers for help with access. 
Have phones but have to find a signal.  Can find a signal in emergency.
Have been shown the ambulance.
Would like outreach clinic.
1 house has solar.
(Gift of 2 chickens)
Sat/Sunday team visit
Chair:          Perice Muya
Secretary:    Mariam Mganga
(inside brick building – lady with dementia at window)
98 children under 5 yrs
Children not immunized
Would like outreach clinic
17 ladies
Well is 30 mins and has poor water. 
Mobile phone signal coming soon.
Have 25 chickens – shown in barn
Tunguli   Kwiboma
Chair:          Anna Anack
Secretary:    Anna Aloisi
39 children under 5 yrs
Immunised but HC is a very long way.  Would like outreach clinic.
Not able to communicate with Tunguli.
30 mins on very rough road.  Have improved road as told necessary for access for ambulance , etc. Not yet used it.
Thank you to Esther who comes here.  Women learning about children and themselves.
Project:  pigs
Would like a milling machine
Bucket well.  Poor water.  Polluted.
Whole village sat and listened.  Men standing apart at distance but listening.  Sat under tree with cloths on tables.
Gift of chicken


First draft

Tunguli and Msamvu villages, Kilindi district, Tanga region, Tanzania.

Reducing death through community mobilization and women’s groups

Through empowerment and education of women, it hopes to reduce tragic deaths, and to bring sustainable, multi-faceted enrichment to the lives of impoverished Tanzanian villages.

'Tushikamane' means, (as near as you can get it in English), 'We stick together, and we are empowered'.

TUSHIKAMANE groups (11 Women’s groups in 11 hamlets at Tunguli and Msamvu villages) are guided by Facilitators through a ‘participatory learning and action cycle’ with four phases and a total of 14 meetings.
Each group has participated through a cycle of 14 meetings designed to lead to community prioritization of actions to reduce death of mothers and babies

Each women’s groups has woman Chairperson. The role of the Chairperson is to lead the group.  This includes providing leadership and direction, managing the committee members and group members and representing the group at local, district and national forums. 

Each women’s groups has a Secretary who record group activities. This includes filling the group register and meeting report after every meeting.

The each group has treasurers, who monitor group funds and other group resources. 

In identifying maternal health problems 60 cards were used,
1.      Problem cards (21 cards): covering the main health problems affecting mothers and newborns.
2.      Contributing factor cards (17 cards): covering the main contributing factors to these problems.
3.      Preventative activity cards (13 cards): covering the main activities people can perform to prevent problems affecting mothers and babies from arising.
4.      Management activity cards (9 cards): covering the main activities people can perform to manage problems affecting mothers and newborns once they have already arisen.

For full details see:

Please note that you can scroll across the table using the bar at the bottom of the screen

GOAL 1: Ensure availability of operating theatre at Tunguli health centre Kilindi district

Target 2017
Target 2018
Target 2019
Key partners
Estimated funds
Ensure  availability of Basic and comprehensive obstetric  service at Tunguli
1.      Ask for operating theater drawings  from Kilindi Medical office and quotation
2.      Solicit fund from different stakeholders.
3.      Construct standards operating  theatre at Tunguli health centre
4.      Ensure adequate equipment in the operating theatre.
5.      Train nurse anesthetist

No operating theatre  at Tunguli heath centre

AMREF, Kilindi Medical office, Diocese of Morogoro, Mission Morogoro,
Community members at Tunguli and Msamvu.

Well established operating theatre furnished with all necessary equipment

GOAL 2. Ensure access to family planning services at Tunguli and Msamvu villages
Educate and advocate family planning services women and men at Tunguli and Msamvu village
1.      Educate people on family planning services
2.      Correct myth and misconceptions on family planning services through Information education and communication(IEC)
3.      Ensure adequate of different family planning methods at the clinics
Family planning user rate to be obtained at Tunguli health centre

DMO office Kilindi, PSI and
Tunguli health centre

Proper child spacing,
Fertility rate.
User rate

GOAL 3. Provide outreach services
Conduct outreach services
1.      Ensure adequate vaccines and other equipment needed like vaccine carrier
2.      Find reliable transport(Motorbike)
3.      Solicit fund for the outreach services
There is no outreach services at Kipera,Dibabala and Kwiboma

DMO Office Kilindi,Tunguli health centre and Mission Morogoro

Conducted  outreach services at Kipera,Dibabala and Kwiboma

GOAL 4. Ensure adequate water supply at Tunguli and Msamvu villages
Renovate available boreholes and construct other boreholes
1.      Identify partners interest on assisting the community on boreholes construction
2.      Solicit funds boreholes construction
There is no reliable borehole at the community

Kilindi water and sanitation department,Tunguli and Msamvu community

Adequate access to safe water.

GOAL 5. Empower women’s groups economically by establishing saving scheme
Provide capital(money) for establishing the saving scheme
1.      Each women’s group was given Tsh 150,000/=
2.      Each women’s groups should establish income generating project by using the money given
3.      Make a follow for the established project and profit
The total of Tsh 1,650,000/= was given to 11 hamlets each hamlet was given Tsh 150,000/=

Mission Morogoro.

Established income generating project and profit in each group

GOAL 6. Men and TBA involvement in the Tushikamane project
Ensure Men and TBA involvement in the Tushikamane project
1.      Educate men and TBA on their roles in reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality.
2.      Establish and sensitize men on their roles through dialogue.
3.      Identify TBA in the community then plan meeting with all TBA at Tunguli and Msamvu villages

Two TBA have joined the groups and few men at Kipera

Mission Morogoro, Tushikamane team

Well participating TBA in escorting women to Tunguli health centre during labour.
Number of women attending antenatal clinic with their partners

GOAL 7:  Establish school  health programme and adolescent friendly services
Ensure school health progam and adolescent friendly services that reflect maternal and child wellbeing.
1.      Provide health education to adolescent at school and community in order to avoid teenage pregnancy and abortions
No program in place currently, statistics on abortions and Teenage pregnancy to be obtained at Tunguli health centre

Mission Morogoro, DMO Office Kilindi, Tunguli health centre,AMREF

Reduce teenage pregnancy and abortions.
Good adolescent friendly services at Tunguli health centre.

GOAL 8.Provide capacity building to midwives and Nurses at Tunguli health centre.
Provide capacity building to Midwives and Nurses at Tunguli health centre.
1.      Update midwives and nurses on issues of maternal and child health.

AMREF,Reproductive health department ,Kilindi.Tushikamane Team

Awareness to midwives and nurses on the current update on maternal and child health issues.

GOAL 9.Educate community on Gender based violence and violence against children
Provide health educate on Gender based violence and violence against children
1.      Educate community on Gender based violence and violence against children,
2.      Link survivors of Gender based violence  and violence against children to other agencies
Information on the magnitude of Gender based violence and violence against children to be obtained from Tunguli and Msanvu village and Tunguli health centre.

AMREF,Tunguli and Msamvu community,Tunguli health centre,Tushikamane team

Reduced  violence rate

GOAL 10.Ensure good antenatal and postnatal services to mothers at Tunguli including treatment to HIV Mothers and babies.
Ensure good antenatal and postnatal services to mothers at Tunguli including treatment to HIV Mothers and babies.
1.      Sensitize women to attend antenatal and postnatal clinic as per policy
2.      Provide screening of HIV and syphilis
3.      Treat HIV mother and babies as per guidelines

Good number of women attending antenatal and postnatal clinics.
Number of Screened women and babies for HIV and treated(on treatment)

Note: other stakeholders to assist different activities will be identified as we move on with project implementation together will estimated funds for each strategy.

This is a draft; we will appreciate to get your inputs. 
Gantt chart will specify later the month (s) when the activity is suppose to be done in a year