Tuesday, 13 December 2016


First draft

Tunguli and Msamvu villages, Kilindi district, Tanga region, Tanzania.

Reducing death through community mobilization and women’s groups

Through empowerment and education of women, it hopes to reduce tragic deaths, and to bring sustainable, multi-faceted enrichment to the lives of impoverished Tanzanian villages.

'Tushikamane' means, (as near as you can get it in English), 'We stick together, and we are empowered'.

TUSHIKAMANE groups (11 Women’s groups in 11 hamlets at Tunguli and Msamvu villages) are guided by Facilitators through a ‘participatory learning and action cycle’ with four phases and a total of 14 meetings.
Each group has participated through a cycle of 14 meetings designed to lead to community prioritization of actions to reduce death of mothers and babies

Each women’s groups has woman Chairperson. The role of the Chairperson is to lead the group.  This includes providing leadership and direction, managing the committee members and group members and representing the group at local, district and national forums. 

Each women’s groups has a Secretary who record group activities. This includes filling the group register and meeting report after every meeting.

The each group has treasurers, who monitor group funds and other group resources. 

In identifying maternal health problems 60 cards were used,
1.      Problem cards (21 cards): covering the main health problems affecting mothers and newborns.
2.      Contributing factor cards (17 cards): covering the main contributing factors to these problems.
3.      Preventative activity cards (13 cards): covering the main activities people can perform to prevent problems affecting mothers and babies from arising.
4.      Management activity cards (9 cards): covering the main activities people can perform to manage problems affecting mothers and newborns once they have already arisen.

For full details see:

Please note that you can scroll across the table using the bar at the bottom of the screen

GOAL 1: Ensure availability of operating theatre at Tunguli health centre Kilindi district

Target 2017
Target 2018
Target 2019
Key partners
Estimated funds
Ensure  availability of Basic and comprehensive obstetric  service at Tunguli
1.      Ask for operating theater drawings  from Kilindi Medical office and quotation
2.      Solicit fund from different stakeholders.
3.      Construct standards operating  theatre at Tunguli health centre
4.      Ensure adequate equipment in the operating theatre.
5.      Train nurse anesthetist

No operating theatre  at Tunguli heath centre

AMREF, Kilindi Medical office, Diocese of Morogoro, Mission Morogoro,
Community members at Tunguli and Msamvu.

Well established operating theatre furnished with all necessary equipment

GOAL 2. Ensure access to family planning services at Tunguli and Msamvu villages
Educate and advocate family planning services women and men at Tunguli and Msamvu village
1.      Educate people on family planning services
2.      Correct myth and misconceptions on family planning services through Information education and communication(IEC)
3.      Ensure adequate of different family planning methods at the clinics
Family planning user rate to be obtained at Tunguli health centre

DMO office Kilindi, PSI and
Tunguli health centre

Proper child spacing,
Fertility rate.
User rate

GOAL 3. Provide outreach services
Conduct outreach services
1.      Ensure adequate vaccines and other equipment needed like vaccine carrier
2.      Find reliable transport(Motorbike)
3.      Solicit fund for the outreach services
There is no outreach services at Kipera,Dibabala and Kwiboma

DMO Office Kilindi,Tunguli health centre and Mission Morogoro

Conducted  outreach services at Kipera,Dibabala and Kwiboma

GOAL 4. Ensure adequate water supply at Tunguli and Msamvu villages
Renovate available boreholes and construct other boreholes
1.      Identify partners interest on assisting the community on boreholes construction
2.      Solicit funds boreholes construction
There is no reliable borehole at the community

Kilindi water and sanitation department,Tunguli and Msamvu community

Adequate access to safe water.

GOAL 5. Empower women’s groups economically by establishing saving scheme
Provide capital(money) for establishing the saving scheme
1.      Each women’s group was given Tsh 150,000/=
2.      Each women’s groups should establish income generating project by using the money given
3.      Make a follow for the established project and profit
The total of Tsh 1,650,000/= was given to 11 hamlets each hamlet was given Tsh 150,000/=

Mission Morogoro.

Established income generating project and profit in each group

GOAL 6. Men and TBA involvement in the Tushikamane project
Ensure Men and TBA involvement in the Tushikamane project
1.      Educate men and TBA on their roles in reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality.
2.      Establish and sensitize men on their roles through dialogue.
3.      Identify TBA in the community then plan meeting with all TBA at Tunguli and Msamvu villages

Two TBA have joined the groups and few men at Kipera

Mission Morogoro, Tushikamane team

Well participating TBA in escorting women to Tunguli health centre during labour.
Number of women attending antenatal clinic with their partners

GOAL 7:  Establish school  health programme and adolescent friendly services
Ensure school health progam and adolescent friendly services that reflect maternal and child wellbeing.
1.      Provide health education to adolescent at school and community in order to avoid teenage pregnancy and abortions
No program in place currently, statistics on abortions and Teenage pregnancy to be obtained at Tunguli health centre

Mission Morogoro, DMO Office Kilindi, Tunguli health centre,AMREF

Reduce teenage pregnancy and abortions.
Good adolescent friendly services at Tunguli health centre.

GOAL 8.Provide capacity building to midwives and Nurses at Tunguli health centre.
Provide capacity building to Midwives and Nurses at Tunguli health centre.
1.      Update midwives and nurses on issues of maternal and child health.

AMREF,Reproductive health department ,Kilindi.Tushikamane Team

Awareness to midwives and nurses on the current update on maternal and child health issues.

GOAL 9.Educate community on Gender based violence and violence against children
Provide health educate on Gender based violence and violence against children
1.      Educate community on Gender based violence and violence against children,
2.      Link survivors of Gender based violence  and violence against children to other agencies
Information on the magnitude of Gender based violence and violence against children to be obtained from Tunguli and Msanvu village and Tunguli health centre.

AMREF,Tunguli and Msamvu community,Tunguli health centre,Tushikamane team

Reduced  violence rate

GOAL 10.Ensure good antenatal and postnatal services to mothers at Tunguli including treatment to HIV Mothers and babies.
Ensure good antenatal and postnatal services to mothers at Tunguli including treatment to HIV Mothers and babies.
1.      Sensitize women to attend antenatal and postnatal clinic as per policy
2.      Provide screening of HIV and syphilis
3.      Treat HIV mother and babies as per guidelines

Good number of women attending antenatal and postnatal clinics.
Number of Screened women and babies for HIV and treated(on treatment)

Note: other stakeholders to assist different activities will be identified as we move on with project implementation together will estimated funds for each strategy.

This is a draft; we will appreciate to get your inputs. 
Gantt chart will specify later the month (s) when the activity is suppose to be done in a year

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