Wednesday, 4 January 2017

For reference: Short video about Mission Morogoro

Morogoro is the region of Tanzania in which Berega Hospital is situated, and for some years now, the charity Mission Morogoro has been concentrating its development efforts around Tunguli, where Berega has a satellite clinic.

The need for a satellite clinic is dictated by the wearisome distances, along sometimes impassable roads, that separate Tunguli from health services, shops, tar roads, and - too often - livelihoods.

It is truly inspiring to see what a difference MM has made to the community, and on a recent visit by a young British documentary maker, a video was born:

Because of its poverty, needs and remoteness, Tunguli was also the starting place for the Tushikamane project, which is now finding a home within Mission Morogoro. 

In the video, they emphasise the fundamental need for education. In every Civilisation that has been, the key catalyst to progress and prosperity - and to the tumbling of maternal and child mortality - has been female education. 

There is, however, an even deeper level of social development. The uptake of education is itself a by-product of empowerment, unleashing the energy of the community from within. We now know that the principle way to achieve this is to help women find their voice. Through the eleven women's groups, and through young women truly finding that progress is an option, education is now a power that can increasingly become both affordable and desirable. 

Are you looking for a charity to support - for instance instead of receiving cards or presents on a big birthday? 

Let's help rural African women and children to help themselves:

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