Friday, 9 September 2016

Tushikamane Women's groups present their progress to visitors

In late July 2016, visitors connected to the charity Mission Morogoro visited eleven hamlets in Tunguli and Msamvu villages, in order to find out how the idea of women's groups was bedding in.

The rationale of the women's groups was to give a voice to village women in helping to determine locally-owned priorities for reducing tragic death of mothers and children.

It was a very tough task for the Tushikamane team, not only to set up no fewer than eleven groups, but also to help traditional village women get to grips with the roots of the tragedies that so commonly afflict them.

Extraordinarily, the results have been overwhelmingly positive, and huge progress has been made in getting community participation at grass-roots level, in understanding their problems, and in beginning to tackle them.

Many of the groups greeted the visitors with songs and plays to illustrate their new-found women's voice - often with their men looking on, with respect, and with a sense that something new and special is beginning to unfold.

The next few blogs will be of a selection of photos mainly taken by Hannah and Thea - two young English women on a mission to spread this word of hope.

Women acting out roles to understand better the causes of tragic death:

Tushikamane Women's Groups - Singing and dancing!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God!! Everyone's hard work and the vision that starting the whole thing are now changing and saving lives! Wonderful!
