Thursday, 25 January 2018

SAWA plan for Tunguli & Msamvu 2018



IIT/Opportunity building,  Kawawa Road, 2nd Floor 2B
P.O. Box 42407, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255222863537/+255754621265

1.0 Introduction and background
SAWA is an indigenous NGO established in 2009 with a mandate to support communities, government and the private sector to identify cost-effective, innovative solutions for WASH projects and sustainable resource management. SAWA actively and technically supports promotion of Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (iWASH) and livelihoods.  SAWA headquarter is in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

SAWA’s mission is to ensure sustainable sanitation, hygiene and water supply services through appropriate programs that are managed by the communities and/or private sector. As an organization, SAWA works with integrity and commitment to meet the mandate of the organization. The organization is conscious of the responsibility of stewardship of the resources entrusted on it, and strives to be fully accountable, transparent and cost effective. It is committed to teamwork, service excellence, learning and innovation through continually and critically reviewing its work. Projects implemented by SAWA also address crosscutting issues around gender, equity and inclusion. SAWA uses participatory approaches and technologies that are appropriate for users and managed by users.

Since its inception in 2009, SAWA has facilitated many different programmes including Water projects, sanitation and hygiene awareness, School sanitation facilities, community capacity building and awareness creation on water resources management. All programmes are implemented in close collaboration with beneficiary communities, local authorities and different funding agencies including Winrock International, UNICEF, WaterAid, Amref ,Flora Family Foundation, Plan International to mention a few.

Over 260,000 community members and 54,000 and school pupils have been supported and benefitting from improved  water and sanitation services. The interventions included school latrines rehabilitation and construction of new ones, capacity building through provision of training for teachers, school leaders who involves school committee, local government leaders, and schemes care takers on running and maintaining projects and managing plansand budgetsfor sustainability of WASH services through effective operation and maintenance plans. 

MissionMorogoro (MM) is a charity based in the UK. MM has been working in partnership with the people of Tunguli and the Anglican Diocese of  Morogoro since 2012. Over the past 5 years MM has worked on a number of projects in health, education, agriculture and water/through which 5 rope pumps will be  installed..

This proposal is being developed to continue facilitatingjoint efforts of SAWA and Mission Morogoro (MM) in supporting and Tunguli and Msamvu communitiesin Kilindi District to improve their basic Sanitation and water services and improve WASH in their schools both primary and secondary schools. This Proposal is a result of MM long term commitments to support the community and the assessment conducted by SAWA (with support from MM) to see the possibilities of improving the water and sanitation services in the community.

The proposed interventions will cover two villages (Msamvu and Tunguli) and 4 schools (2primary schoolsand 2 secondary schools)  in Kilindi District Council in Tanga Region. The project work will be implemented in collaboration between communities, schools’ committees and leadership, schools’ students and pupils, parents and the LGA (Kilindi District Council).

2.0 Executive Summary
Tunguli and Msamvu communities have access to basic drinking water services which according to the water points status and surrounding do not necessarily provide safe water. These water points are located far from the community/users – hence still a burden to water collectors especially children and women. It is possible to improve the situation by improving the sanitation and hygiene, replacing existing old hand pumps, and capacitating the community for operation and maintenance. The issue of distance can be addressed in the long-term plans by exploring the possibility of undertaking survey to establish points that are close to the community. Recently, MM in collaboration with SAWA and community leaders started improving the situation from which 5 new rope pumps have been installed making 5 working water points. According to Tanzania standards one water point serves up 300 people and thus when installation of 5 new pumps completed making 6 functional water points, at least 45% of Tunguli population will be accessing reliable water supply.
Poor sanitation and hygiene environments around the water points are most likely contaminating the water used by the community and children at Tunguli and Manyinga schools. This puts them at risks of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and typhoid. The top ten diseases in out-patient diagnoses in Tunguli, Msamvu and surrounding communities include the water WASH related diseases. All these give the rationale of MM commitments to support the community to improve the situations
To improve the situation SAWA, MM and community have agreed on three phases of immediate plan which can be implemented by the community without external support; a Short-term plan, which needs less resources and can be implemented under the support of MM and SAWA; and long-term plan which need huge investments which can be done by collaborating with other development partners and LGA.

The Interventions will directly benefit more than3,997 people in both Tunguli and Msamvu villages including 1,213 students (575 girls and 638 boys) in 4 schools (2 primary schools and 2 secondary schools). Among the beneficiaries are 33 teachers (16 female and 17 male)in the primary and schools above.

The proposed interventions Include community and school hygiene promotion for behaviour change mainly on hand-washing with soap at critical times and Open Defecation Free (ODF) environment; and community capacity building in sustaining the interventions. It is believed that through this initiative the chain of change and messages will be delivered to families and neighbouring communities

Table 1. General Information of 4 schools
Name of School
No pupils

No of teachers

Manyinga Primary school
Tunguli primary school
Tunguli secondary school
Vibaoni secondary school

It is believed that a close collaboration with Tunguli and Msamvu community, Kilindi district’s WASH team and extension workers including school teachers, Ward Education Coordinator officer, community development officer, Ward executive officer, Ward Councillor, village leaders, Berega hospital selected staff and Tunguli dispensary workers (a multi-sectoral team)will facilitate sustainability of changes realised through the interventions.

3.0 Rationale

Tunguli and Msamvu villages highly depend on uncovered shallow wells and tube wells fitted with hand pumps that are operating beyond its economic life all located in one valley with high risk of contamination from the rain surface runoff. However, under the support of MM in collaboration with SAWA and Tunguli community, improvement of water supply services has started using low cost technologies (rope pumps) from which 5 new rope pumps shall be installed along with establishment and registration of community management entity COWSO.
According to the Ministry of Water (Tanzania Water Sector Development Programme; WSDP 2), it is estimated that more than 40% of about 37,000 water points built over the last 20 years are not functioning. Poor community involvement, poor governance, management and lack of institutional and technical capacity to community are mentioned as the major contributing factors. The National Water Supply and Sanitation Act of 2009, requires COWSO taking a leading role in management, operation and maintenance of their water services on behalf of the community
The Government of Tanzania including the LGAs and development partners strive to ensure that sustainable operation & maintenance, functional institutional arrangements are established for all water supply systems and initial capacities at community level developed and therefore it is sought important to strengthen the Tunguli  internal capacity to be able to form  and register  COWSO  for  sustainability of installed facilities.
Additionally, the village reports indicate that about 40% to 50% of households in both villages are practicing open defecation. This information was evidenced by of open defection during assessment of the water points where faeces were seen in the valley which feed the open wells used by community
Dirty surroundings of the wells and dirty sanitation facilities were observed at wells, primary schools and house hold levels. There were no sign of hand washing facilities inside and outside of the community toilet which signify they may not be washing their hands at crucial times including after using toilets
The top ten out-patient diagnoses in the project area (Tunguli, Msamvu and surrounding communities) summarised in the table below shows that water related diseases are among of the top ten.

Diarrhoeal diseases
Gastro uteritis
Bacterial pneumonia
HIV infection/PTIS
Source:            Tunguli Health Centre.

UTI = Urinary Tract Infections
ARI = Acute Respiratory Infections
PID = Pelvic inflammatory disease


·         Awareness creation meetings to enable community to take active part in project implementation for community buy-in and long-term ownership so that benefits are sustainable
·         Promotion of sanitation and hygiene at community and schools to create disgust/hate of open defecation
·         Mobilize communities to support improvement of WASH facilities especially latrine improvement at household(HH) and school level 
·         Awareness creation on water resources management with main focus on water source conservation and protection with changing climate.
·         Establish, train and register community management entity (community owned water supply and sanitation organization(COWSO) that will be responsible for operating and managing water  and sanitation services in a sustainable manner.
·         Provide monitoring support visits to ensure installed facilities are well managed for sustainable services.
·         Document processes, results and lessons learnt to facilitate dissemination and communication with all stakeholders.

Summary of specific objectives and activities to be undertaken

Specific objective No.1: Engage Tumguli community in project planning and implementation

SAWA/MM project plan and Budget and develop a joint plan for implementation
1.2.Conduct village general assembly to share project plan and budget

[MN1] Specific objective No 2: Establishment and registration of community management entity (COWSO) for sustainability enhancement
2.1.Awareness creation on national water and sanitation policies, legislation and guidelines
2.2.Conduct two days’ workshop to facilitate development of COWSO constitution that will
      provide general guidance for project operation and maintenance.
2.3.Conduct three days training to equip COWSO leaders with financial management, leadership
and operation and maintenance skills
2.4.Community water care takers visit Morogoro for two days to learn how to makerope
pump parts
Specific objective No 3: Promotion of sanitation and hygiene using Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach.

3.1.Institutional triggering at the ward level to orient leaders on use of CLTS approach
3.2.Conduct  one  day Capacity building  session of Sub Village teams on data collection
3.3.Preparation of sanitation and hygiene training material in line with National Sanitation
campaign (NSC tools and fit to local environment in data collection, triggering (animators),
3.4.  Monitoring and Evaluation including follow up on latrines construction and hygiene
3.5.Facilitate Internal and external ODF verification exercises.

Expected Results:
In implementing the above strategies, the following will be attained:
·         Strengthened community management entity (COWSO) and able to operate and maintain WASH services.
·         Improved environment sanitation (household will construct and use latrine)
·         Active school health club - engaged in hygiene promotion
·          Reduced water and sanitation related diseases

Implementation plan
Improve health and quality of life for the people of Tunguli, Msamvu and surrounding hamlets by improving WASH facilities and practices in a long-term, sustainable manner.
Engage Kilindi and Tumguli and Msamvu communities  in project planning and implementation
Inception meeting at the district level to engage authority for long term back up support


Organise stakeholders workshop/ meeting to share plan and budget and eventually develop a joint implementation plan( include district representatives from water, health and community development)


Conduct village general assembly to share project plan and budget
Village leaders


Establishment of community management entity (COWSO) as per national guidelines
Conduct one day  community/leadership awareness on importance (why and how ) of COWSO establishment and registration  involving (30 participants) ward and village leaders, councillor, village extension workers, influential people, representative of political parties etc

Stakeholders meeting to agree on management model, roles of each part involved and development of COWSO constitution

Conduct 3  days training   to COWSO   and government leaders (Councillor, WEO, CDO, VEO, village chair and sub-village chairs)   for 30  people to equip them  with  relevant knowledge on governance skills using the national training modules  to cover key issues of  constitution review, national relevant policies, general operation and maintenance & sustainability, financial management.

Follow up  supports to COWSO formation and registration processes to ensure all relevant information/documents for registration are available as per COWSO national guidelines and registration.

Conduct 2 days training to water points  care takers (pump  attendants) on operation and maintenance of water points including rope and washers making and trouble shooting.

Sanitation and hygiene promotion at the household and school level using community total led sanitation (CLTS) as a national approach
Facilitate one day Institutional triggering and capacity building  meeting at  ward level on verification and certification, data collection and triggering

Conduct one day Capacity building  session of Sub Village teams on data collection

Conduct Baseline  data collection in all sub  villages and quarterly data updating 

Training of artisans ( at least 4 per village) to equip them with various latrine construction  technical skills

Conduct pre-triggering and triggering sessions at sub village level

Conduct sanitation promotion events and Behaviour change communication (BCC) material provision using locally available communication channels

Facilitate the establishment and training of school clubs on SWASH

Post-triggering activities: Follow up on latrines construction and hygiene practices.

Facilitate Internal and external ODF verification exercises

Document processes, results and lessons learnt to facilitate dissemination and communication with all stakeholders ( 2 success stories).

The project will be managed and implemented by SAWA staff from Dar es Salaam in  collaboration with local government, school committees, teachers and communities at large. Project planning will be conducted in a participatory manner to ensure community members take the leading role for sustainability enhancement. Developing linkages with the Kilindi district leadership will probably increase their buy-in and attract more support from the district especially for long term commitments.

The project will be supported by the following key personnel
Project Manager (SAWA Executive Director) – overall management, capacity building and reporting.
SAWA WASH Advisor – will provide technical backup support in planning, implementation and capacity building and reporting
Pump technician – Responsible for installation, orientation training on operation and maintenance (O&M)
Community Development personnel– raise and create awareness to community and schools and be a contact person in the field. He/she will be key in managing the plans and facilitating smooth implementation of the project
Accountant – ensure smooth transaction and financial reporting.

 [MN1]Observe numbering

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